Choose what interests you and tell us how you'd like to help
Buddy Coaching is a six week development intensive process for coaches and mentors that offers you the opportunity to:
Very few coach trainings today offer enough supervised practice for you to be confident, competent and ready, Buddy Coaching will help develop your confidence and competence.
Buddy Coaching is a commitment between two coaches to work together to practice and improve each others skills.
Soon after joining a Buddy Coaching group you'll publish your profile & vision.
Next, browse profiles & visions of other buddy coaches to find a good match.
Once you are matched you'll agree terms and exchange a series of sessions.
Valuable feedback is given at the end of each session.
The Buddy Coaching community is a group of established and new coaches all interested in developing their client handling skills, refining their professional presentation and continuing their professional development. Entrance is by application only to ensure we maintain professional standards within the community.
The Buddy Coaching programme is a six week exchange of session with a clear schedule, an agenda, guidelines, reflective practice processes, and structured feedback. The process will guide you in a structured but relaxed way, ensuring smooth and efficient delivery, and that a complete piece of work is performed.
Following a selection process, you and your Buddy Coach will make arrangements, following the process guidelines and run a series of sessions with three devoted to you as client, bringing a real and meaningful coaching matter to the table, and three sessions devoted to you coaching your Buddy Coach.
Every session has prerequisite preparation work for the coach, as well as the client, and includes structured feedback to help you develop and improve your coaching skills.
The process is designed so that you may go through as many separate rounds of Buddy Coaching as you wish. The only other constraint is that once you have worked with a coach in Buddy Coaching; you must choose other coaches for successive rounds.
Some use the Buddy Coaching community as a way to raise the number of client contact hours they have booked; others choose to use it as an enjoyable yet focused way to explore and improve mastery of new techniques and methods; others use it as cost effective alternative to a private coaching arrangement; still others use it as a venue for experimenting with a fresh approach.
The call for professionalism, and the standard demanded from you, is the same as in private practice. The distinct elements of the CoachingCloud Buddy Coaching process all contribute to the results you're able achieve. It is designed as a complete process to ensure that all the boxes are ticked to provide adequate context and data for effective self-reflective learning to occur, while at the same time, ensuring a structured, safe process that demands strong goal focus with a result-driven orientation.
In other approaches to co-coaching you only have you and the other coach, but the Buddy Coaching Community puts the power of CoachingCloud behind you. Not only do you have the world's best app where you can book, manage, and run your client practice, but guiding you through the process you have input from some of the world's most experienced international coaches, whose depth of knowledge and experience can't be matched.
As you experience working with different coaching partners, over a range of Buddy Coaching sets, you will be able to leverage the abilities of a wide variety of coaches, with different experience, competencies and ranges. Your "clinical nous" will improve, and your knowledge and facility in drawing out and applying feedback to create client-driven changes in your practice (leading to greater marketability and profit) will jump.
Practice and improve your coaching skills in a supportive community of professionals.
Choose what interests you and tell us how you'd like to help
Stand by for an email that will connect you to the CoachingCloud community
Create your CoachingCloud account and share your contributions with the world
Join a Buddy Coaching group and refine your skills.
Help others to learn and grow together with buddy coaching.
If you are an experienced coach or coach supervisor and would like you start a Buddy Coaching group we would love to hear from you.
If you don't find the answer to your question below, please get in touch.
Although it is possible that one might not require input at a particular time, we have noticed that the best coaches – the ones with superior skills and capabilities, and excellent business models – are always seeking input. Typically, any high performing individual, across most disciplines, recognises the need for an outside eye on various aspects of creating results, and offers no resistance to the right kind of feedback at the right time.
In theory you can work with as many as you like, however we suggest you start with one round of session to get the feel of how it works.
The annual membership to a Buddy Coaching group starts at $120 for the year. This gives you full access to the Buddy Coaching community.
Additional resources and services such as supervision may be offered in your group and the fee for these may vary from group to group.
If you don't find a suitable match, the group leader will be able to help you find a buddy and get started. If you don't find a match within 30 days of joining and you want to exit the program then we will refund your joining fee.
Join a Buddy Coaching group and refine your skills.